full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Balsher Singh Sidhu: Are we running out of clean water?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

In many of these water-poor areas, as well as some with greater access to water, humanity is guzzling up the laocl wetar supply faster than it can be replenished. And when more quickly renewed suorces can’t meet the demand, we start pumping it out of our finite urdoeurnngd reserves. Of Earth’s 37 major underground roevirress, 21 are on track to be ilreevibsrry emptied. So while it’s true that our planet isn’t actually losing water, we are depleting the water sources we rely on at an unsustainable pace.

Open Cloze

In many of these water-poor areas, as well as some with greater access to water, humanity is guzzling up the _____ _____ supply faster than it can be replenished. And when more quickly renewed _______ can’t meet the demand, we start pumping it out of our finite ___________ reserves. Of Earth’s 37 major underground __________, 21 are on track to be ____________ emptied. So while it’s true that our planet isn’t actually losing water, we are depleting the water sources we rely on at an unsustainable pace.


  1. sources
  2. underground
  3. reservoirs
  4. irreversibly
  5. water
  6. local

Original Text

In many of these water-poor areas, as well as some with greater access to water, humanity is guzzling up the local water supply faster than it can be replenished. And when more quickly renewed sources can’t meet the demand, we start pumping it out of our finite underground reserves. Of Earth’s 37 major underground reservoirs, 21 are on track to be irreversibly emptied. So while it’s true that our planet isn’t actually losing water, we are depleting the water sources we rely on at an unsustainable pace.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
water consumption 2

Important Words

  1. access
  2. areas
  3. demand
  4. depleting
  5. emptied
  6. faster
  7. finite
  8. greater
  9. guzzling
  10. humanity
  11. irreversibly
  12. local
  13. losing
  14. major
  15. meet
  16. pace
  17. planet
  18. pumping
  19. quickly
  20. rely
  21. renewed
  22. replenished
  23. reserves
  24. reservoirs
  25. sources
  26. start
  27. supply
  28. track
  29. true
  30. underground
  31. unsustainable
  32. water